West Midlands Police call for dashcam footage to catch dodgy drivers – but not all motorists agree
West Midlands Police has called for motorists to share their dashcam footage of dangerous drivers.

However, some drivers believe the police are making dashcam owners a target.
Footage released with appeal gives examples of dangerous drivers who have been convicted following police receiving dashcam footage from other road users.
The force has enlisted more workers to sift through dashcam footage to prosecute those they find breaking the law.
Operation Triton has already brought several dodgy drivers to justice.
West Midlands Police tweeted: "OpTriton. The expansion of the team which looks at your footage of careless and dangerous driving has been met with overwhelming support.
"Join us in our mission to create safer roads by sharing your video clips through the link below."
However, not all motorists are keen on sharing their footage with the police.
Mark McLaren tweeted: "I have a dashcam, glorious 4k, great lens etc.
"But I won't be sharing any footage with the police unless I'm in an incident. The role of the police is to enforce the law not sit on their behinds and expect me to provide the evidence. You are putting every dashcam owner at risk."
Phillip tweeted: "The big problem putting some people off is that on the submissions form you need to tick a box confirming you’re prepared to attend court.
"This seems odd because surely a lot of cases speak for themselves and wouldn’t need the dashcam owner in court?"