Devastating fire and two break-ins at Grade II listed pub won't break defiant landlord's resolve
A Bilston landlord is defiant even after his Grade II listed pub was hit by fire then two break-ins - and says he is determined to carry on.

George Kang has spent more than £100,000 renovating the Greyhound and Punchbowl on High Street since taking it over.
It was badly damaged by fire in the early hours of Saturday and since then has been broken into twice, with burglars taking televisions and alcohol.

The building dates back to the middle of the 16th Century and was originally known as Stoke Heath Manor House. It was restored in the 1930s when a concrete skin was added to the timber frame, heritage group Historic England said.
The blaze has also left tenant David Thompson homeless -– he lived in a flat above the premises and has been forced out, also losing £1,000 of photographic equipment in the blaze.

A fundraiser for David started by Katie Nicholls, whose father worked at the pub, has reached £1,075.