Express & Star

BMW driver caught doing more than 100mph on M54 is banned from the road

A motorist who blasted along the M54 at more than 100mph has been banned from the road.

West Mercia Police officers caught Kiryl Chupryk driving at 110mph on the M54

Police officers caught Kiryl Chupryk driving at 110mph when he passed them at Junction 3, for Cosford and Albrighton, on November 23 last year.

The 44-year-old, who was behind the wheel of a BMW 760i at the time, admitted speeding in June, and was sentenced at Worcester Justice Centre last Wednesday.

Chupryk, of Horne Road, The Humbers, was banned from driving for 28 days and fined £574.

He must also pay £110 costs and a £110 surcharge, leaving him with a total court bill of £794.