Express & Star

Family of murdered schoolboy Ronan Kanda submit 10,000 strong petition to 10 Downing Street

The family of murdered schoolboy Ronan Kanda have called for a meeting with the prime minister and the backing of the government for a public health campaign raising awareness about knife crime.

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Wolverhampton South East MP Pat McFadden joins members of Ronan Kanda's family to deliver the petition to 10 Downing Street

They outlined their further calls for action after delivering a petition by Ronan's mother Pooja Kanda to 10 Downing Street today.

The petition calls for the outright ban of zombie knives and ninja swords and amassed 10,486 signatures before being handed in to the prime minister's office along with a covering letter.

Pooja was joined on her trip to Downing Street by five members of her family and Wolverhampton South East MP Pat McFadden.

After handing the petition over to a security guard at Number 10, Pooja said she would be continuing to look at ways to raise awareness of knife crime and get deadly weapons off the streets.

Ronan Kanda