Express & Star

Woman spared jail after being caught with crack and heroin destined for 'zombies'

A woman caught with more than 200 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine in her underwear said she would not take the drugs herself because they turn people into 'zombies'.

Ruambun was spared jail at Shrewsbury Crown Court

Wiwa Ruambun, 23, of Mossborough Crescent, Birmingham, was caught with the drugs by police in Shrewsbury on April 6 last year.

Judge Anthony Lowe, sitting at Shrewsbury Crown Court, was told that Ruambun had not been selling the drugs, but was delivering them to someone who would.

Ruambun, originally from Thailand, who listened to proceedings through a Thai interpreter, admitted two charges of possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply.

Alban Brahimi, prosecuting, said that Ruambun had been arrested by police who had been monitoring the 'Twin' County Lines drug line.

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