Dangerous West Bromwich driver given two-year ban after chasing and blocking wife's car
A West Bromwich motor trade operator who had too much to drink at a wedding has been banned from the road for dangerous driving.

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard how Mohammed Zeyarabb, aged 37, chased at high speeds and twice blocked the path of his wife's car after being prevented from driving their children out for food when he returned home worse for wear.
At a hearing on Wednesday, Miss Olivia Appleby said the complainant was driving in the opposite direction when the incident happened in Hill Top West Bromwich on July 7.
Zeyarabb, of Manorford Avenue in West Bromwich, a self-employed motor recovery garage owner, blamed work, boozing and a painful illness for his bad behaviour. He pleaded guilty to one offence of dangerous driving at a previous hearing.
Sentencing him, Judge Jonathan Gosling said: "I am prepared to give you a chance. You will not get another."
The judge said he was moved by letters from the defendant's family and it was clear they wanted him to be a part of their lives despite his actions.
"Together with your guilty plea although this is certainly a serious case, I find I can suspend a prison sentence. If this had gone to trial the sentence would have been 15 months. I give you one-third credit for your guilty plea which takes it down to 10 months. The term will be suspended for 12 months subject to conditions.
"I have to ban you from driving for two years for your very serious piece of driving when you were drunk. After that period you must resit the test before getting behind the wheel again. Do not be tempted to drive for the next two years."
Mitigating for Zeyarabb, Miss Ylenia Rosso said he was remorseful and had joined a drink awareness course since his arrest.
"He has taken steps to address his criminal behaviour. He has chronic pain and has had several operations for kidney stones. He is aware his work has put pressure on him. He wants to work on his marriage."
Zeyarabb, who has previous convictions, was also ordered to pay £420 costs and the victims' surcharge.