Cruelty to dogs in the West Midlands increases dramatically - with some chilling incidents recorded in the region
*WARNING: Some people may find some of the imagery and detail in this article disturbing.

They may be man’s best friend - but sadly cruelty towards dogs increased by 16 per cent in the West Midlands last year.
New figures released by the RSPCA show that 2,608 reports were made to the animal charity about cruelty to dogs in the region, compared with 2,253 in 2021.
This means in 2022, seven dogs a day on average were cruelly treated in the West Midlands.
These heartbreaking figures include reports made about intentional harm, neglect and abandonments.
The type of incidents which come under intentional harm are attempted killing, poisoning, beating, improper killing, mutilation and suspicious circumstances.
Shockingly, there were 511 reports of intentional harm to dogs in the West Midlands last year.
The region has fared poorly in recent RSPCA statistics, with the charity also deeming the region to be the top hotspot in England for dogs being left mutilated after their ears are illegally cropped.
Incidents in the West Midlands
Earlier this month, RSPCA officers made a gut-wrenching discovery after finding an emaciated dog which had been dumped in a Staffordshire lay-by.
The male bulldog was already dead and its ribs, spine and hip bones were visible.