Express & Star

One in five Black Country criminals reoffend within a year of release or conviction

One in five criminals in the Black Country reoffended within a year of being convicted or released from prison, the most recent figures show.


Ministry of Justice figures show 6,216 offenders were released from prison, cautioned, or handed a non-custodial conviction at court in the year to September 2021 in the region.

Of them, 1,147 reoffended – accounting for 18.5 per cent.

Wolverhampton criminals were the worse for reoffending at 19.9 per cent, while it was 18.7 per cent for Walsall, 17.7 per cent in Dudley and 17.6 per cent in Sandwell.

All areas saw a fall from the year before, following the national trend.

Prison reform advocates said further investment in housing, education and employment is needed to address the high rate of criminals re-entering the justice system.