Express & Star

Crackdown on Black Country street racing to continue after injunction extended by High Court

The crackdown on street racing in the Black Country will continue after a court injunction was extended.


The interim injunction prohibits people from participating - as drivers, riders or passengers - in a gathering of two or more people at which some of those present engage in dangerous driving.

The injunction covers the whole of the boroughs of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall, and anyone breaching it will be in contempt of court and could face penalties including imprisonment, a fine or an order to have their assets seized.

It was extended by the High Court, with minor alterations, at a hearing on Friday.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for adults and wellbeing, said: "We are pleased that High Court has seen fit to continue the street racing injunction, which is certainly having an effect on preventing meets from occurring in our region.

"Street racing is noisy, dangerous and illegal and, as we have tragically seen in the last 12 months, can result in death or serious injuries among drivers, passengers and spectators.

This interim injunction provides a very strong deterrent to anyone thinking of taking part in this anti-social activity."

The injunction remains at the interim at this stage, pending a judgement from the Supreme Court which is currently considering a similar injunction against persons unknown, which may have a bearing on the Black Country case.

For more information, including details of the full terms of the interim injunction with minor amendments and evidence in support of the application, visit