Express & Star

Shop shut down for three months after it's caught selling vapes and alcohol to children

A shop has been ordered to close for three months after it was found to be selling illegal vapes and cigarettes, including to children.

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Some of the illegal vapes and cigarettes seized by Dudley Council
Some of the illegal vapes and cigarettes seized. Photo: Dudley Council.

Stourbridge Mini Market in South Road must remain shut until October after Dudley Council’s trading standards team brought a case against it at Walsall Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The court heard that after receiving complaints the shop was selling vapes to children, on April 11 this year trading standards carried out a test purchase using a child volunteer who was sold a vape.

Inside the premises they found 3,000 illegal vapes.

Further sting operations, inspections and warrants were executed on the business, resulting in large seizures of illegal vapes and tobacco, some of which had been stored in a vehicle and in two separate properties.