Express & Star

Wolverhampton in top ten for most burgled cities

A major city has made it into the top ten for most burglaries in the UK.

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Uk's ten most and least burgled country. Credit:

Wolverhampton has been ranked as number nine on a top ten list that analyses the number of burglaries in a country per 1,000 people.

The new figures come as online specialists at InsureMy, an insurance evaluation site, analysed burglaries over the past 12 months in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland to establish which places are the most or least burgled.

The figures show that two West Midlands towns, Wolverhampton and Birmingham are among the most burgled towns, with Wolverhampton coming ninth and Birmingham coming fourth.

A spokesperson from InsureMy, said: "While these findings may be alarming for those residing in the top ten cities. It's imperative to know the risks we face where we live.

"People living in these places may feel it necessary to upgrade their home security measures and to ensure their insurance can protect them, their assets, and their belongings."

The findings reported that in 12 months, Wolverhampton experienced almost 1,800 burglaries, equating to a rate of 7.31 per 1,000 residents. The figure lies almost 75 per cent over the national average rate of 4.2 per 1,000 per capita.

Cassandra Williams, a resident of Wolverhampton, said: "The figures are surprising yes. I have lived in Wolverhampton nearly all my life and I wouldn't have thought it was that bad.

"It has got worse since I was growing up, I don't know if that is something to do with the cost-of-living crisis and whatnot, but yea, it's surprised me."

The city's rate of burglary is up by 20 per cent from 2020, when it hit a low of 6.09, but notably is down from the 2018 statistics of 8.18 per cent.

Topping the list for the UK's most burgled cities and towns is Middlesbrough, Westminster and Leeds, who came first, second and third respectively.