Express & Star

Driver arrested after car chased by police smashes into railings in Black Country street

A man has been arrested after a police chase in the Black Country ended with a car ploughing into railings in a residential area.

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The car crashed into railings in Gospel End Road, Sedgley

The man in his 20s remains in custody after the pursuit in the early hours.

West Midlands Police officers say they spotted a car travelling over the speed limit in Dudley just before 3am on Sunday.

After a short chase, it crashed into railings in Gospel End Road, leaving parts of the vehicle strewn across the road.

The car crashed into railings in Gospel End Road, Sedgley

The driver, a man in his 20s, has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

He remains in police custody.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "A man in his 20s has been arrested following a collision in Sedgley.

"Shortly before 3am, officers spotted a car in Kent Road which was travelling well over the speed limit.

The car crashed into railings in Gospel End Road, Sedgley

"Following a short pursuit at a safe distance, the car crashed into railings in Gospel End Road and the driver was immediately arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

"He remains in custody while investigations continue."

A nearby resident, who wants to remain anonymous, said he was woken by the noise of the car hitting the railings.

He said: "It was the bang which woke us all up. We saw the police and an ambulance turned up.

"There were bits of the car all over the road. Some bits ended up on my driveway.

"Part of the road was closed off until about 6am."

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