Express & Star

Stourbridge Police have successful Sunday removing stolen cars from borough's roads

Stourbridge Police had a successful Sunday removing stolen cars from the streets.

Stourbridge Police spotted this stolen car

Officers spotted a car which is linked to several fuel thefts across Dudley borough in the last two weeks.

Stourbridge Police tweeted: "Lye and Amblecote officers have just located another stolen vehicle in Lye. The 2nd vehicle recovered today.

"The vehicle is linked to numerous thefts of fuel in the Dudley borough over the past fortnight. Enquiries are ongoing to identify the driver."

A low loader lorry was sent to where the stolen car was spotted and taken to the police pound.

Another stolen cars was spotted in Amblecote.

Police took this stolen car off the streets

"Stolen vehicle recovered in Stourbridge today by Amblecote officers after reports from a member of the public of a suspicious vehicle seen in the area."