Father of 'Gummy Twin' relives moment his son was shot dead at home
The father of 'Gummy Twin' John Jones has relived the moment his son was blasted to death by a shotgun.

David Jones was watching television in his Norton home when he saw a masked gunman walk past his bedroom on the way to John's room.
Speaking behind a curtain at Wolverhampton Crown Court, Mr Jones took the stand to describe hearing his 36-year-old son being shot on February 25 last year.
He said: "I saw a man in a mask walk past my room, I then heard some words exchanged and then a strange, cracking bang noise."
Moments later the gunman entered the pensioner's bedroom in his Caslon Crescent home.
He said: "I was sitting on the bed, after shouting 'what's happening?' He stood there and said to me 'you better not grass or I will shoot you too'."
In shock the father followed the gunman downstairs where they had another conversation.
He said: "I was standing on the stairs and saw him outside the living room door. I said to him 'you're not going to shoot me too are you?'
"He replied 'of course I'm not going to shoot you Dave'."
Mr Jones noticed the skin of the gunman was brown due to gaps in the homemade mask, however he also recognised the voice of the gunman to be his son's friend of six years Ravi Talware.
Mr Jones revealed the friendship had been based around the sale of crack cocaine and heroin. In the weeks before the home invasion, which saw John's younger brother Sebastian stabbed multiple times, Talware had visited the house demanding money John owed him.
Alleged gunman Ravi Talware, co-defendants Kevin Waldron, Scott Garrington, along with three youths, are standing trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court jointly accused of taking part in the attacks.
Mr Jones described the moment he realised his son had been fatally shot.
He said: "I went into his bedroom and as soon as I saw him I knew he was dead. His eyes were open, his eyes had so much blood in them."
All six defendants deny murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, wounding, and possessing firearms.
Talware, 32, of Cavalier Circus, in Bushbury; Waldron, 41 and Garrington, 51, both of Bridgnorth Road, Wollaston, near Stourbridge deny perverting the course of justice. Two of the youths admit knife possession while the third youth and the other men deny that charge.
The trial continues.