Teenagers heard bragging about shotgun murder, trial is told
Three teenagers charged with the murder of Stourbridge “Gummy Twin” John Jones were overheard in prison bragging about planning the fatal attack, a court was told.

The three boasted the police had “nothing on them” as they had planned the murder “too well” all within earshot of a prison guard at Young Offender Institution Werrington.
However, their hubris quickly turned to paranoia as they began worrying they had been spotted on their own doorbell cameras, Stourbridge town centre CCTV and that one of them had ordered an Uber from one of their own bank accounts which could be traced by police.
Prosecuting, Mr Mark Heywood KC, said: “While they were together they were heard discussing the case and suggesting not insignificant admissions. On March 2 2022 they were talking about the case of conspiracy to murder they had been charged with.
“A prison officer heard their conversation when they said the police did not have any evidence against them because they had planned it to well.
“One said “they would be ****** if there was CCTV in Stourbridge town centre of them walking or if there was CCTV of one of them dumping a bag in a wheelie bin.”
He added: “All three mentioned the police had taken their bank cards and there was no evidence from them but then they realised one of them had ordered an Uber from one of their houses.”
John Jones, 36, was shot dead in his Caslon Crescent home in Norton and his younger brother Sebastian was repeatedly stabbed when the six defendants entered the house demanding a £175 drug debt.
Alleged gunman Ravi Talware, co-defendants Kevin Waldron, Scott Garrington, along with three youths, are standing trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court jointly accused of taking part in the attacks.
Jones’ post mortem outlined a multitude of injuries throughout his body including bruising, cuts and needle marks.
However, the injury which killed him was the shotgun wound to his chest which caused massive blood loss as it ruptured an artery which eventually led to cardiac arrest.
Dr Brett Lockyear carried out the post mortem at Coventry University Hospital and his statement was read out to court. He said: “John Jones died from one gunshot wound to the chest fired from the side from a distance from around metre or within 3.3 foot. The toxicology report showed traces of cocaine use and heroin as well as cannabis.”
Mr Heywood again reiterated the Crown’s case was that Talware delivered the sawn-off shotgun blast which killed the victim but the other five defendants all were part of the murder plot.
An imitation gas powered pistol was also taken into the house by the gang as well as two knives.
Talware, 32, of Cavalier Circus, Bushbury, in Wolverhampton; Waldron, 41 and Garrington, 51, both of Bridgnorth Road, Wollaston, are also charged with doing an act to pervert the course of justice relating to the car fire.
All six deny murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, wounding, and possessing firearms.
Talware, Waldron and Garrington deny perverting the course of justice. Two of the youths admit knife possession while the third youth and the others deny that charge.
The trial continues.