Express & Star

Telford paedophile who kept 'extensive' record of abuse in diary is jailed for 15 years

A paedophile who subjected a girl to vile abuse from the age of eight has been jailed for 15 years.

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Andrew Telford

Andrew Telford, aged 61, subjected the victim to a campaign of abuse, and Shrewsbury Crown Court heard how it had happened "thousands of times."

Telford's victim said he has "stolen my childhood" in an impact statement which Judge Peter Barrie described as "eloquent and insightful".

The court was also told that the victim had planned not to tell anyone until Telford had died, but a friend she confided in urged her to call the police.

Telford was arrested on June 26 last year, and a search of his property revealed an "extensive" diary of abuse he had committed.

Officers also discovered a camcorder and a list of outfits he had used and a script for an explicit movie that prosecutor Ben Lawrence said Telford was "clearly fantasising about making".

In her powerful impact statement, Telford's victim said: "I feel I'm only good for my body and nothing else about me matters. I feel like I've had my childhood stolen from me and I've had to grow up more quickly than everyone else.

"I get very anxious around most people, especially males who are older than me. I've grown to hate my body.

"I always felt too scared to try and stop him. He made out it was all my fault. I always thought I would get in trouble."

Telford, of Stanwyck, Sutton Hill, Telford, pleaded guilty to multiple charges of serious sexual offences against a child.

His lawyer said Telford is "disgusted with his behaviour and accepts full responsibility," and added that his time in prison has been "a massive culture shock" but understands that is where he is going to be for "a considerable period of time".

Jailing Telford, Judge Barrie told him he had caused the victim "grave psychological harm."

Officer in charge of the case Detective Constable Lisa Roberts said: “We welcome the lengthy sentence that has been handed to Telford today, hopefully it will allow the victim to gain some closure from a very traumatic part of their life.

“Following a lengthy investigation, Telford pleaded guilty to all charges meaning the victim did not have to face the trauma of giving evidence at a trial, and a very dangerous individual has been swiftly sentenced. However, the real tribute remains with the victim, who showed immense courage and bravery in coming forward to report this abuse.

“I hope this sentence serves as a reminder to those who think that abusing women and girls will go unchallenged. West Mercia Police remains committed to seeking justice for sexual assault victims and survivors, and we, the police and wider support services are here for them.”