Express & Star

Motorbike riding thugs smash community centre doors on Walsall estate plagued by anti-social behaviour

Motorbike riding thugs smashed the doors of a community centre in the latest anti-social behaviour incident to plague a Walsall estate.

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Councillor Tina Jukes outside the damaged Frank F Harrison Community Association doors in Stephenson Square, Beechdale, Walsall

Calls for action have been made after police were called to Beechdale Community Centre in Stephenson Square at around 6.30pm on Tuesday (November 29) following the incident.

This followed last week’s defacing of the much loved mural painted on the side of the building, which is run by Frank F Harrison Community Association.

There are number of further issues – which locals say are on the rise – including problems with off road and quad bikers as well as general anti-social behaviour has also been cited.

Ward councillor Tina Jukes said she is looking to arrange meetings with police inspectors, the police and crime commissioner, housing associations and community protection officers in a bid to curb the issues.

Structural damage was caused to the entrance at the centre on Tuesday with one of the doors now out of action. The cost of clearing obscenities from the mural is estimated to be around £350.

Councillor Jukes said: “This is unacceptable behaviour. I am arranging a meeting with the police, community protection, the police and crime commissioner and Longhurst.

“This has been going on far to long and we need this to stop. Something needs to be done. We can’t keep going on like this.

“We need more police on the streets. You can’t blame them for a lack of numbers but residents are getting angry.

“We all have the right to live in a safe friendly place. We want Beechdale to be safe for our children to play, for elderly to go out safely.”

Chris Jones, chairman of the Frank F Community Association, added: “It’s very concerning because we are seeing things on a weekly basis now, probably descending into a daily basis.

“We have issues with people on bikes, graffiti on the mural which means a lot to so many around here and we keep wondering, ‘what’s next?’

“I feel sorry for the residents and the shopkeepers, whose trade must be suffering as it’s all centred on that area.

“It’s worrying for everyone. What’s the solution? I don’t know but no one seems to be doing anything.”

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said Tuesday’s incident was caused by a group of youths on motorbikes and quad bikes.

Inspector Phil Upton, from Walsall NPU, said: “We are aware of incidents of anti-social behaviour involving youths in the Beechdale area and we are investigating.

“We have been liaising with councillor Tina Jukes and looking to arrange a meeting as soon as we can to discuss the issues.”

Anyone with any information can contact police via the Livechat on their website or by calling 101 quoting crime reference number 20/770431/22. People can also ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.