Wolverhampton police foil sophisticated cannabis factory operation with more than 300 plants
A man found at a house where more than 300 cannabis plants were seized in a sophisticated operation has been jailed.
Duy Nguygen was arrested with another man following a police raid at the house, in Richmond Road, Wolverhampton, where plants estimated to be worth more than £200,000 in yields were discovered in four rooms earlier this year. The electricity supply at the property had also been bypassed
The 36-year-old pleaded guilty to one count of possession of cannabis before magistrates on January 21 and was placed in custody before being sentenced at the city's crown court on Tuesday.(11)
Sentencing him Judge Carmel Wall told the defendant, of no fixed abode, that she accepted that his role in the enterprise had been short.
"This was plainly a sophisticated commercial operation. The prosecution accepts that your role was as caretaker of gardener of the crop," she said.
Prosecuting barrister Mr Edward Soulsby said: "When the police went they found 313 cannabis plants of which 162 were mature plants ready of grow on. His co-defendant has been dealt with by way of no further action because he claims he was a slavery labourer.
"Luckily for him no evidence was offered. Mr Nguygen takes full responsibility.
"The value at the most optimum is just over £200,000 assessed at three grows per year and the figure also assumes plants would be grown to the best of their viability and there was a market willing to pay at such prices.
He said there would be no proceeds of crime application.
Mitigating barrister Miss Queenie Ajan told Wolverhampton Crown Court: "This clearly a case of lesser role. He was told by two men that is was a cleaning job, but when he arrived he found it was gardening. In return he was promised accommodation and food."
She said he had two children in Vietnam and had already spent the equivalent of a 16-month term in custody on prison remand.
Judge Wall jailed him for 10 months and said he would be released as the time was already served.