Express & Star

Staffordshire drivers clock up third most speeding offences in England

Staffordshire is the third highest county in England for speeding motorists.

Last updated
Staffordshire drivers need to slow down

Data of national speeding offences between 2010 and 2010 revealed on average every year there were 4,816 speeding offences in Staffordshire.

The study was commissioned by Forbes and found per 1,000 residents there were 4.23 speeding offences, compared to the lowest county Durham which had just 0.95 offences per 1,000 people.

Lincolnshire topped the charts with an average of 4,164 speeding offences a year and with 5.43 per 1,000 residents getting speeding tickets.

Kevin Pratt, from Forbes Advisor, said: "Speeding is dangerous. Roads have speed limits for a reason, and they are limits, not targets. All drivers should stay within the limits to reduce the likelihood of injury-causing and fatal accidents.

"Get caught speeding and, if convicted, you’ll get points on your licence, and these will likely stick for four years.

"Rack up a total of 12 or more and you could be banned from driving. On top of that, you’ll need to declare your points when applying for or renewing your car insurance, with an increase of around 5% on the cards because you’re now perceived to be a riskier prospect."

“Rural counties like Lincolnshire and Staffordshire have plenty of long straight A-roads that might tempt drivers to put their foot down. But while there are few of us who can honestly say we’ve never bust a speed limit, the less we do it, the better.”