Express & Star

Police officer suffers fractured ankle during assault by patient at Sandwell Hospital

A police officer suffered a fractured ankle after being assaulted by a patient at Sandwell Hospital.

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Sandwell Hospital

West Midlands Police said officers were called to the hospital at 6.33pm on Sunday to assist with a man who was displaying signs of mental illness.

He was detained under the mental health act, and whilst waiting to be treated he assaulted an officer.

She suffered a fracture to her ankle.

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said: "Officers were called to Sandwell Hospital on Sunday 31 July at 6.33pm to assist with a man who was displaying signs of mental illness.

"He was detained under the mental health act and whilst waiting to be treated he assaulted an officer, which resulted in a fracture to her ankle.

"The man remains in hospital."

Rich Cooke, chair of West Midlands Police Federation, said it was a "shocking incident", adding it "just goes to show the dangers we face daily and being used to deal with mental health with limited training".

He said the police federation had been in touch with the officer to offer its support.

Mr Cooke said: "She has had to stay overnight for surgery. It's quite a nasty incident.

"It shows the pressures on our officers. Because of how stretched the ambulance service is – there are long waiting times – we were already dealing with mental health a lot more.

"Police have always been involved to a certain degree with violent mental health patients but if ambulance services were not as stretched it might have been resolved in the earliest opportunity.

"We've got no special training. We have to do our best at each incident. Sadly we are the ones who get injured."

He said all frontline officers should also be allowed to carry Tasers.

Mr Cooke added: "All the frontline officers should be carrying Tasers. We should be protected.

"It's a visible deterrent and something to use if things get out of control."

Speaking about the officer injured in the incident, he added: "We have been in contact with them.

"Last I heard they were still in hospital. We will be supporting them and will be in touch."

Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust has been contacted for comment.

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