Consultation launched over policing and fire plan
A consultation has been launched on policing and fire priorities across a county.
Staffordshire's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Ben Adams is calling on people to take part in the four-week consultation, which will help influence the county's Police and Crime Plan, and Fire & Rescue Plan over the next three years.
Mr Adams said: "Fundamentally, these plans should result in fewer victims of crime and anti-social behaviour, fewer casualties on our roads, and fewer people who suffer due to fire or the actions of others.
"The services can’t deal with these issues on their own. These plans emphasise the importance of strong relationships with partner organisations in delivering real, joined-up working across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
"My challenge, and the challenge for the services, is to get the balance right between addressing the issues that make people feel less safe, day in, day out, with tackling the serious problems which most people will thankfully never experience, but cause significant harm.
"Have I got the balance right? Do these plans reflect your priorities, and the concerns of your community? Your views matter to me, and I want to hear from as many of you as possible."
To have your say and to see the draft version of the plan visit