Driver caught doing 90mph in a 40 zone - with a child in the passenger seat
A driver was clocked doing more than 90mph on a 40mph stretch of dual carriageway in the Black Country - with a child in the passenger seat.

The reckless motorist was spotted doing 91mph by police during an operation on Duncan Edwards Way in Dudley.
Police officers parked in a layby, where they could monitor traffic, were stunned to discover a child was sitting alongside the driver as they did more than twice the speed limit.
The driver is now expected to receive a fine and points on their licence.
West Midlands Police Traffic said on Twitter: "Our continued speed enforcement on Duncan Edwards Way, Dudley, a dual carriageway with a 40mph limit.
"Today we recorded a car travelling at 91mph. The passenger was a child! Driver behaviour can influenced our next generation of road users."
It comes after figures released last month revealed drivers were clocked doing 127mph on the A41 Oxford Street, Bilston, and A461 Lichfield Road in Walsall, earlier this year.
Police have caught drivers speeding at more than 100mph 21 times in the West Midlands this year – well above the maximum speed limit cars are permitted to drive on motorways and dual carriageways.