Express & Star

West Midlands Police chief opens up about "challenging" pandemic for officers

A West Midlands Police chief has revealed how "incredibly challenging" the coronavirus pandemic has been for officers to navigate.

Gareth Morris

Gareth Morris, superintendent in Birmingham with WMP, has had discussions with a number of community groups about the police response to Covid matters.

He said: "I know how extremely tough these last few months have been and fully appreciate that our experiences have not been the same, Covid has impacted us all differently. I recognise that many are not so fortunate and lack the access to open spaces – for those living in inner city with no or limited outdoor space, lockdown has been exceptionally tough.

"The police were presented with powers we did not ask for. We had to send officers out to stop people going about and engaging in what would have been quite normal life a few months ago. These laws are extremely restrictive, unfamiliar territory and would inevitably lead to a challenging relationship between the police and communities. Whilst we are faced with a pandemic and the risk to health, we had to try and support health services and reduce the strain on hospitals by engaging, educating and explaining the high risks of social gatherings. As a last measure we had a new legislation to enforce; we endeavoured to only use enforcement as a last resort.

"I also appreciate that from viewing the media, some of the coverage can be confusing and present mixed messages. Questions have been asked on why have the crowded beaches not been enforced, protests allowed to continue, influential people seeming to avoid prosecution or fines and pubs allowed to open. Yet, now we seem to be cracking down on music events and gatherings particularly within inner city areas. I empathise that in the inner city the opportunities for young people to go outside and have a sense of freedom is very limited. In addition, I was challenged on what was seen to be policing responses that directly treated groups of people and activities differently.

"The stark reality has been that the last few months has been incredibly challenging for police to navigate. We have had to evolve and adapt as COVID guidelines and laws are constantly changing. Every Family has been impacted by COVID in one way or another, including the families of our staff and officers.

"Some of the gatherings in Birmingham have also resulted in disorder and serious offences. We will continue to try to engage and educate people on the risks and ask them to follow the guidelines. We have been given legislation and direction to help control the virus. Enforcing such measures on people is not something we want to do – but we do have to act to try and keep the infection rates down for the whole city and in turn the whole of the UK.

"Please help me and our officers to keep you and your loved ones safe and do your utmost to follow the guidelines as restrictive as they are, so we can once again be reunited with the people and things we love."