Man rescued from first-floor flat as car torched in Wolverhampton
A man had to be rescued by firefighters from a first-floor flat window after a nearby car was set on fire in a suspected arson attack.

Firefighters, paramedics and police were called to the scene in Lea Road, Wolverhampton, just after 9pm last night.
A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We got the call at 9.08pm yesterday, it was a 999 call.
"We sent three engines, the first got to the scene in one minute and 15 seconds.
"The stop message came in at 10.22pm. It involved a car that was well alight. It looks like the car was adjacent to an end terrace shop which had a flat above it.
"It looks like the fire had spread to the door leading to one of the flats.

"One male was rescued by the fire service from a first floor window using a ladder. A precautionary check was carried out by the ambulance service.
"We had six firefighters wearing breathing apparatus. They put out the fire and were ventilating the flat and carried out a search, but no-one else was there.
"The incident is believed to have been started deliberately."
Jamie Arrowsmith, spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service, said: "We were called at 9.10pm to reports of a car fire on Lea Road. One ambulance and a paramedic officer attended the scene.
"On arrival we discovered one patient who was assessed and discharged at the scene with minor smoke inhalation."
A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We’re investigating an arson after a Vauxhall Corsa car was deliberately set alight outside flats on Lea Road, Wolverhampton, at around 9pm last night .
"Fortunately, there were no injuries caused to anyone, though a man did have to be removed from his property by the fire service after the flames spread to the entrance doors of the flats.
"Enquiries continue and anyone with information is asked to contact us via Live Chat at 8am - midnight or call 101 anytime. Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555 111. Quote crime reference 20WV/191438Z/20."