Express & Star

500 wraps of cocaine seized from drug den hidden behind false wall

Police have seized almost 500 wraps of crack cocaine from a house after a drugs den was created using a false wall.

500 wraps of crack cocaine seized from a house in Birmingham

Officers raided a property in Ralph's Meadow, Woodgate, Birmingham, on July 12.

While searching inside the house they discovered a new room had been built with a plasterboard wall within the lounge area.

Officers stormed in and found the stash of cocaine, along with 20 bags of cannabis and other drugs-related paraphernalia.

A 62-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply and was later released under investigation while enquiries continue.

Detective Sergeant Patrick Simpson said: "The false wall sparked suspicion and once we got into the room we found a drugs den.

"Drugs can cost lives and lead to further crime but we've managed to remove a haul of cocaine out of circulation.

"We know the misery drugs can cause on communities and we'll continue our relentless approach to take them off the streets."