'It’s a shambles': Man's anger over fly-tipping on Birmingham estate
A man has condemned fly-tippers after rubbish was dumped across an estate in Birmingham.
Kelvin Crutchlow was back in the Shard End area of the city recently from the Middle East where he now works.
And he documented the amount of fly-tipped waste that he sure around the estate where his family still lives.
Pictures show sofas, beds, mattresses and household waste dumped on grass verges, which Mr Crutchlow says was left there for days, while other images shows piles of wooden panelling left on the street, overflowing bins and abandoned fridge freezers.
He called on Birmingham City Council to mount a clean up.
He said: "Really I’ve got no vested interest in this whatsoever, because I’m not living here – I will go back to the Middle East after all this and carry on working.
“But I’m going out and about when I do come back, which is once every six or 12 months, to be honest with you I’m just shocked by the deterioration in the area.
“If I was paying council tax here, and I was living here, I would be absolutely furious. I’m annoyed, and as I said once the lockdown ends I will be on my way again."
In a response, a spokesman for the council said: “Whether it is one bag of rubbish, mattresses or the contents of a house clearance, any fly-tipping in this city is completely unacceptable and a criminal offence.
“The council will not tolerate this as it knows the top priority for the people of this city is clean streets. When cases are reported, we investigate – and when credible evidence is available, we prosecute."