Anger as fly-tippers pile up rubbish outside Wolverhampton tip
Fly-tippers have left piles of rubbish outside a closed tip in Wolverhampton.

A toilet, mattress and cardboard were among the bits of rubbish left on the path outside Shaw Road Recycling Centre which is closed due to coronavirus.
A spokesman for Wolverhampton Council said: "So a few of you have been asking 'why did you close the tips?’
"Well, it wasn’t a decision taken lightly. It was done on the back of the government’s guidance restricting essential travel to only the most essential journeys – such as for food, medical supplies / appointments or to support someone vulnerable.
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"We closed the tips to keep people safe – residents and our staff.
"We’re urging people to stay at home, be safe and - by being there - you’ll help the NHS save lives.
"Despite this, even in lockdown, some people are leaving their homes to fly-tip outside our tip sites.

"This is unacceptable. And it’s a crime. Those caught fly-tipping will be prosecuted - offenders can receive a fixed penalty notice of £400.
"If you see anyone doing this call shop-a-tipper on 019022 555685 or go online at
"Give us information that leads to a fine and you’ll get a £100 gift card.
"Our frontline services are working to full capacity during the Covid-19 crisis, keeping the city clean. Please support them and help us to put a stop to this criminal behaviour. Thanks."
Wolverhampton Council closed the city’s tip sites and the bulky item collection service has been suspended as a result of the outbreak.
The authority is continuing to provide essential waste collections during this period.
But given the uncertain and fast-changing nature of the coronavirus, the services, along with others provided by the authority, remain under review.