Police warning after rise in break-ins at Staffordshire businesses
Staffordshire Police are reminding businesses to ensure their premises are safe during lockdown.

The force has received a rise in the recent number of reports of businesses break-ins and, as a result, are encouraging business owners across the county to take the necessary steps to prevent themselves from becoming victims of crime.
Officers are encouraging business owners to review their security by investing in gates, locking mechanisms, an alarm system, window shutters, strong vehicle height restrictors, CCTV, dusk until dawn lighting and warning signs.
Chief Inspector Giles Parsons, business crime lead for the force, said: “We will maintain a visible presence and are committed to prevent any crime. However, we need your help to ensure that buildings are as secure as they can be.
“As a rule, it’s important that you focus on the risks to your premises and regularly review your security.
"Remember, the restrictions on your movement will be prohibitive so only travel when absolutely necessary – considering the health of yourself and others when doing so.
"We ask that everyone adhere to the government guidelines and social distancing whilst carrying out any essential security checks."