Express & Star

Appeal after man glassed and robbed in Birmingham

An 18-year-old was hit with a glass bottle and robbed by a group of teenagers in Birmingham.

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The man was taken to hospital to be treated for his injuries

The man was also punched and kicked by the large group as he was waiting at a bus stop in Washwood Heath Road, Ward End, at around 3.45pm on Monday.

His phone and cap were stolen and his girlfriend was kicked in the back as she tried to intervene.

Members of the public helped the pair and the group of offenders fled the scene in an unknown direction, West Midlands Police said.

The man was taken to hospital to be treated for injuries to his head.

The attack happened at a bus stop in Washwood Heath Road. Photo: Google Maps

Detective Sergeant Tom Lyons, from West Midlands Police's Force CID, said: "This was a nasty unprovoked attack on a man who was innocently waiting for his bus.

“We believe the offenders are all around 16 to 17 years old, Asian, and one of them had curly hair and was wearing a blue coat.

“This was a large group of people and would likely have caused some disturbance to passers-by, so we are appealing for anyone who saw the group or has any information to contact us."

Anyone with information can call West Midlands Police on 101, quoting crime reference number 20BE/37687N/20.

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