JAILED: Pair hurled insults and stones at each other in street clash
Two men, who hurled insults and stones while brandishing a meat clever and machete during a clash outside the home of one of them, have each been jailed for six months.

Daniel Evans found items had been taken from his van while it was being serviced and the “rumour mill” suggested where those responsible might live, a judge heard.
The 55-year-old, who had no previous convictions, decided to make his own inquiries which brought him to an address in Friar Park Road in Wednesbury on August 5 that had links with Ricky Barnard, aged 31, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.
CCTV showed the two men arguing in the street after Barnard has been “called out” and when he turned away Evans got out of his van armed with a meat cleaver kept under a seat with a cricket bat, explained Mr David Isles, prosecuting.
Barnard emerged with a machete after going back into the house and started to throw stones at the other man’s van.
Evans got out of the vehicle again and smashed windows in the car of his rival who, in turn, broke windows in the van.
Mr Oliver Woolhouse, defending, Barnard of Horton Street, Great Bridge, pointed out that the two men had put their weapons down and reverted to throwing stones at each other’s vehicle.
Mr Nayan Patel, representing Evans from Sussex Avenue, Wednesbury, maintained: “He is genuinely sorry for the way he behaved bringing shame and embarrassment on him.”
Both pleaded guilty to threatening another with an article with a blade or point and were imprisoned by Judge James Burbidge QC.