Cousins locked up after man stripped in attack at hairdressers
Two cousins, involved in a brawl after a long-running family feud over land in Pakistan exploded into violence, have been locked up.

Mohammed Tazabar and Mohammed Tariq were among four people who attacked taxi driver Majid Yasin after he was cornered in a hairdresser’s shop in Lye High Street on July 12 last year.
They burst into the salon led by 33-year-old Tazabeth Mohammed – the brother of Tazabar – who shadow boxed around the victim before landing a flurry of punches as the target hurled hairdressing equipment in a bid to keep him at bay, explained Mr Dean Easthope, prosecuting at Wolverhampton Crown Court.
The injured party was then dragged to the floor where one of the gang sat on him while others stamped on his legs and kicked him until they could pull all his clothes off.
After they overpowered and stripped him he was hauled out of the shop and into the main street where a crowd had gathered.
The whole incident was filmed by 22-year-old Tariq who then put the video on the internet.
“He was completely naked and humiliated,” concluded Mr Easthope.
Mr Yasin was taken to hospital suffering from soft tissue injuries but an X-ray revealed no fractures.
He said in a statement that he suffered flashbacks following his public humiliation which became worse when he realised the video had been seen “all over the world.”
Ms Cathlyn Orchard, defending Tariq, said: “He became involved out of loyalty to other family members.
“It was an unpleasant incident but in the 17 months since then there has been no further repetition as far as this complainant is concerned.”
Mr Simon Rippon, representing 39-year-old Tazabar, maintained: “He got carried away on the day in question but has been in no trouble since then.”
Tazabar from Crabbe Street and Tariq of Vicarage Road, both Lye, pleaded guilty to affray and were jailed for 19 months and 12 months respectively.
They were also banned from having any contact with Mr Yasin for the net five years.
Judge James Burbidge QC told them: “This incident was born out of a family dispute over land and there are appropriate and proper ways to determine these.
"Turning to violence in a public place is not one of them.”
Tazabar’s two brothers, who had also admitted affray, missed the court hearing.
A warrant without bail was issued for Bahbar Sahbar, aged 30, from Crabbe Street who is believed to be in Pakistan while Tazabeth Mohammed arrived after the case had ended.
He was remanded in custody until he is sentenced on January 24.