Community event held to tackle knife crime
A community event was held in Bilston to tackle knife crime among young people.

Action for Bilston held the event at Lunt Community Centre on Saturday which saw children and teenagers enjoy activities and open up about knife crime.
Councillor Zee Russell, for Ettingshall, said a victim of knife crime who is originally from Manchester but now lives in the Black Country spoke.
She said: "It's gone really well, we had quite a few people in and had a talk about knife crime, it was really informative and there were a few emotions.
"It's gone down really well and everyone's enjoyed it.
"We had stalls with different knick-knack and a stall for The Haven, arts and crafts and face painting.
"We've been asking the youngsters their opinions on knife crime and they said they feel like they're the forgotten generation.
"They don't feel like there's support or places they can go.
"We're planning to do another event in the future.
"Knife crime is a disease in all of society.
"It affects every walk of life and we need to do more especially with education.
"We want to stop the next generation being gunned and knifed down."