Express & Star

Police investigate more than 1,000 child sexual offence cases

More than 1,000 sexual offences against young children were recorded last year across the West Midlands, Staffordshire and West Mercia regions – according to new research.

Police have investigated more than 1,000 child sexual offence cases

A Freedom of Information request by the NSPCC to the three different police forces showed that in 2018/19 there were at least 7,618 sex offences against children aged four to eight nationally, with 611 being recorded by West Midlands Police, 303 by West Mercia Police and 220 by Staffordshire Police.

The NSPCC has also revealed that last year hundreds of children under the age of 11 living across the UK contacted Childline about sexual abuse.

In response to this, the charity has relaunched its Talk PANTS campaign, which helps parents with children aged eight and under to have vital conversations about staying safe from sexual abuse.


The acronym has been designed to be easy for children to remember – and it stands for Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you, Speak up, someone can help.

Peter Wanless, CEO of the NSPCC, said: “It is very concerning that the number of recorded sexual offences against young children is at such a high level and it is vital we do more to help them stay safe from sexual abuse.”

Detective Supt Sean Phillips, from West Midlands Police, said: “We have invested a significant amount of resources into tackling sexual offences against children in recent years.

“Tackling child sexual abuse is an ongoing challenge and one that requires us to work closely with partners and voluntary agencies to ensure we continue to protect the public and those vulnerable to such crimes.

“Child sexual abuse can take place in any culture, across all of society and in all communities. We would urge anyone with information in their local community to report it to us and we will always investigate.”

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