Car fire in Wolverhampton "suspicious"
A car went up in flames in "suspicious circumstances" in Wolverhampton.

Residents were woken up by the fire in Wendover Road at 3.25am today.
Firefighters used hose reel jets and breathing apparatus to extinguish the blaze.
A resident said: "My wife and I were woken by the car alarm and looked out the window to see flickering as the flames started to spread. We instantly called the fire services.
"Only a few minutes in and the car was fully ablaze. Tyres exploding every minute or so. Then what I could only assume was the car battery, as it sounded like a small bomb."

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We went to an address in Wendover Road.
"The car was well alight on open land.
"Firefighters requested the police because the fire was suspicious."