Express & Star

Burglaries on Walsall road

A burglary and an attempted burglary have taken place on the same Walsall road within a week.


Overnight between May 21 and 22, thieves got into a back garden, then into the house in Cameron Road through a back door without causing any damage.

The burglars have searched the home, taking a mobile phone which was then dropped outside.

Officers investigating have received reports of someone being seen acting suspiciously in the area during the early hours.

The second offence, an attempted burglary, took place at around 6.30am on Monday.

The offender rung the doorbell and then tried the front door handle and the garage door handle, but was not successful.

If you have any information which may assist the investigation contact Live Chat at between 8am to midnight, call 101 anytime or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.