Driver fled police at twice the speed limit and went wrong way around roundabout
A reckless driver led police on a high-speed chase in a stolen car at twice the speed limit, a court heard.

Nathan Clarke went the wrong way round a roundabout and up a one-way street as he raced through 30mph streets at 60mph in a desperate attempt to get away from police.
He was driving a car that had been stolen during a burglary four days earlier, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.
But the 22-year-old landed himself in bother when his hesitation at spotted a passing police car aroused the suspicion of officers.
He was ordered to stop but sped off, leading police on a chase around Oldbury before officers laid a stinger across the road to finally bring him to a stop.
Mr Gary Cook, prosecuting, told the court: "The police officer said the driver was hesitant.
"They turned the vehicle round and indicated he should stop. He didn't and there was a 15-minute pursuit.
"The driver sped over speed bumps, went the wrong way round a roundabout and up a one-way street. The roads were wet and traffic was described as moderate to heavy."
Clarke, of Lawnswood Road, Oldbury, was given an 18-month community order by Judge Michael Challinor after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, dangerous driving and driving without a licence and insurance.
He was also banned from driving for two years and Judge Challinor warned him not to get behind the wheel during that time.
The judge said: "The police will be watching out for you as they do with all disqualified drivers.
"If you were foolish enough to breach this order then you will be brought back to court and I anticipate you will receive a custodial sentence."