Express & Star

Hundreds raised after pensioner targeted in Netherton

Nearly £750 has been raised by residents to help a pensioner who had a wad of cash stolen.

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The money raised

The 83-year-old man was walking down the Cole Street, Netherton, on his way to pay the bills when he was targeted – with £310 being taken from his hands.

The theft took place on April 23 at 10.45am – with news of the incident circulating on Facebook group Spotted: Netherton.

Wayne Kemp, admin of Facebook group Spotted: Netherton, said a neighbour had alerted them to the mugging.

He said: "We post all sorts of things and someone sent us a message saying their neighbour had been mugged on his way to pay bills and asked 'can you let people know?'

"There was quite a lot of people saying it was disgusting. One person said they would be happy to chip in £10 to help.

"So we thought 'let's start a fund' so he doesn't need to stress over bills.

"People gave their addresses to us and we drove around to their houses and picked up some donations.

"The response was phenomenal – we raised £745."


Donations were also collected at Creature Comforts, a grooming parlour in Castleton Street that Wayne runs with his daughter.

The 48-year-old said: "It was nice that the town came together to help people.

"He was on his way to the shops to pay his bills at the time – he had got the money in his hands and didn't think anything like it would happen.

"He's a really lovely man.

"When we got in the shop there was a 'thank you' card from the family saying how thankful he was.

"We've managed to make something good out of something bad.

"It shows there's more good then bad in the world.

"We would really like to thank all of Netherton.

"The man's family are going to help him put a thank you in writing so we can post it online for him.

"He was overwhelmed and really didn't know what to say at the time – however he was most grateful."

The family of elderly man, who wished to stay anonymous, dropped off the 'thank you' card after receiving the donations – and is in the process of writing a piece to share on the group page.

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said they are investigating the theft.