Express & Star

500 revellers scanned for weapons using knife arch in Stourbridge

More than 500 revellers were checked for weapons using a knife arch at four different bars in Stourbridge.

Last updated
Police chatting to people in Stourbridge on Saturday night

And in two separate incidents across the Black Country last night police seized two blades.

It comes after Ryan Passey died from a knife wound after an argument broke out in Chicagos in Stourbridge last August.

In February, Kobe Murray was found not guilty of the murder and manslaughter of the 24-year-old following a two week trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Mr Murray admitted stabbing Ryan, but said it was an accident.

Stourbridge Police tweeted to say hundreds of revellers had been scanned by the machine at four different bars last night.

It is not known whether any weapons were seized.

Meanwhile, officers arrested a man in Halesowen last night after seizing a knife.

And a lock knife was seized in a separate incident in the Sandwell area when police were called to a domestic incident.

West Midlands Police's Force Response tweeted saying: "Another deadly knife off the streets tonight in #Sandwell following a domestic incident where an ex partner had been causing issues at an address. Located nearby by officers on #BUnit. #1inCustody"