Driver caught swerving as three times limit
A driver who was caught by police swerving in the road was found to be three times the drink drive limit.

Andrew Cadman pleaded guilty to driving a Rover Cityrover in Hall Park Street, Wolverhampton, while above the limit, at Walsall Magistrates' Court on Thursday.
The 56-year-old was seen by police driving 'erratically' and swerving over the white line at about 5.45pm on December 28 last year, according to the prosecution, Miss Helen Shipley.
When stopped by police and later tested, Cadman was found to have 107 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, more than three times the legal limit of 35 microgrammes.
Cadman, of St George Street, Wolverhampton, was bailed for reports to be prepared and was told to return to Walsall Magistrates' Court on February 8.