Porsche catches fire after plunging down 20ft embankment in West Bromwich crash
A Porsche has plunged down a 20ft embankment and abandoned after a crash in West Bromwich.

The luxury car also caught fire in the crash, in Newton Road, near Sandwell Valley Crematorium last night.
The white sports car collided with a tree while two of its wheels were ripped out and severely damaged.
Emergency services were called at around 11pm to the route between the crematorium and River Tame close to a railway bridge.

West Midlands Police have confirmed that the occupants of the car fled the scene and abandoned the vehicle.
A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We were called at 10.49pm after a 999 call at Newton Road, in which a car had left the roadway and come to rest down an embankment.
"We sent two fire engines, one from West Bromwich and one from Handsworth, involving 10 fire fighters.
"The car was 70 per cent involved in the fire and one hose reel jet was used to put out the blaze.
"The incident has been left in the care of the police."

Paramedics from West Midlands Ambulance Service and officers from West Midlands Fire Service attended the scene.
A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesperson said: "We were called to reports of a car that had overturned at aroun 10.45pm.
"One ambulance and a paramedic officer were sent to the scene.
"On arrival crews discovered a car approximately 20ft down an embankment, however there were no patients at the scene for us to assess."

Force Response said on Twitter: ""On scene with West Bromwich Fire and West Midlands Ambulance Service at Newton Road, Sandwell.
"Car has come off the road and been very lucky to walk away. Occupants haven’t stayed around so enquiries ongoing."