Express & Star

Firearms police hunt machete-wielding offender after man struck by car in Dudley

Armed police swarmed a street in Dudley after a car ploughed into a pedestrian before a machete-wielding suspect fled the scene.

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Armed police at the scene in Buffery Road, in Dudley. Picture: Scott Fitch

A car smashed into parked vehicles in Buffery Road leaving a man and his dog badly hurt.

Police said firearms officers were deployed to the scene at around 3.25pm yesterday after it was reported that a man was seen armed with machetes in the street.

Officers were searching overnight for the suspect but said the incident is not being treated as terror related.

However they said it is thought to be a dispute between two groups.

A police spokesman said: “Residents should be reassured that there is no threat to the wider public.”

The police cordon in place in Buffery Road
Police investigators at the scene
The black Renault Megane within the police cordon
Police look over a black Renault
Police taped off the scene
Officers make inquiries at the scene
Police investigators have been at the scene
Police investigators make inquires

Police said a man, believed to be a pedestrian, has been left with leg injuries after being hit by a car.

He was taken to hospital for further treatment.

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We heard the commotion immediately after the crash. There was a youngish guy walking briskly down Buffery Road holding machetes.

“He seemed to run past our window towards Buffery Park direction soon after still holding them.”

Another eye witness, who didn’t want to be named, said: “Loads of armed police came out, too many to count. They blocked off the road and we saw them walking down the street with their guns.”

Police taped off the road around a black Renault Megane and forensic examinations were taking place overnight with officers speaking to witnesses.

The road reopened at around 11.30pm last night.

Anyone with information is asked to contact West Midlands Police on 101 quoting log 1533 of 05/04/2018.

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