HMP Featherstone became infested with mice and rats after prisoners threw rubbish out of their cells
HMP Featherstone suffered a rat and mice infestation due to prisoners throwing rubbish from their cell windows.

The prison governor had to take action - planting poison and fitting meshes to lags' windows - to tackle the problem.
The issue was raised by the Independent Monitoring Boards, which published a report this week following a visit.
In it, vice-chairman Keith Hollinshead called for 'urgent' refurbishment and repair to areas of the prison he described as 'unacceptable'.
And he reported the rat and mice infestation, claiming it had been caused by prisoners in four of the seven houses.
He said: "There is still an ongoing problem over the rubbish that is discarded from cell windows by prisoners on a number of house units.
"We do acknowledge that some steps have been taken to address this issue, including the fitting of window restrictors.
"Litter not only looks very unsightly but inevitably attracts vermin. Mice and rats have been seen by prison staff, prisoners and members of the board on occasions.
"Litter removal and vermin control must remain a top priority for the establishment."
Last night, Mr Hollinshead said since the report publication efforts had been made to fix the problem.
He said: "It had been going on for around a year, but now they appear to be doing something about it.
"Rentokil has been placed around the prison and meshes have been put up on the cell windows."
A spokesman for the MoJ, which runs the prison, said the rat and mice problem had now been 'eradicated and pest control services visit on a weekly basis'.
The prison, which opened in 1976, held 603 prisoners when the IMB visited last year.
This has gone up since the reopening of House 5, which was closed following disorder in August.