Drink-driver who crashed after ‘two shandies’ is banned
A drink-driver crashed his car into a tree injuring himself and two passengers after only consuming 'two Shandies' the previous night.

Robby Hanson had been driving his friends back from a night out in Walsall town centre when he lost control of the Renault Megane, claiming it was because of ice on the road, around 3.11am on Sunday, December 17.
They sustained bruises and cuts to the head Walsall Magistrates' Court heard.
A member of the public went to their aid and made sure they got to Walsall Manor Hospital for treatment where police caught up with Hanson, aged 31 of Southbourne Avenue Alumwell.
He admitted being the driver of the vehicle and blew a positive breath test before being taken to Bloxwich police station where his alcohol level was officially recorded to be 57 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - above the legal limit of 35 microgrammes.
Hanson claimed he had been drinking heavy on the previous Friday without eating much but told officers he had only had two shandies on Saturday night whilst drinking at a pub prior to his friends asking him if he could pick them up.
It emerged at court that he had previous convictions for failing to provide a specimen and drink driving.
Hanson admitted the latest charge of driving a motor vehicle when alcohol levels were above the limit.
Magistrates fined him £120 and handed him a £30 surcharge and £135 in court costs.
While they gave him a maximum driving disqualification for 40 months because the offence led to a crash which led to people being injured.
Speaking in his defence Brij Chaudhry said: "He had copious amounts to drink on the Friday but had not driven the previous day.
"On Saturday evening at a pub he had two shandies and goes home to see his dad. He received a phone call from friends who were out asking if he could give them a lift.
"He felt okay, but he obviously misjudged that. On his way back from picking them up there were icy road conditions.
"He loses control and collides into a tree. There is no suggestion of bad driving."
He added: "As a result of this the vehicle is beyond economic repair and he has lost his job as a ground worker."