Express & Star

Pictured: The men suspected of being involved in disorder during Blues vs Villa game

Police have released images of men they suspect of being involved in disorder that took place during Birmingham's clash with Aston Villa.

The ten men police want to speak to

Detectives are hoping to trace the ten men pictured after the disorder at St. Andrew's back on October 29.

The images released today are part of 74 that West Midands Police will be releasing in total over the coming days.

Superintendent Nick Rowe, head of the force's Football Unit, said: “Our enquiries are on-going and we would urge anyone who witnessed this disorder, or anyone who can identify those involved, to contact us immediately with information.

“Families attend these football games, some with young children who do not want their kids seeing this kind of behaviour. Those involved may think this has been forgotten and we have moved on, they could not be more wrong. We have a team working on identifying those involved. This is the first wave of the investigation and there will be more people identified in the next few months.

“We would like to praise those fans that did behave and reassure them that action will be taken against those who were involved in the disorder that they will be actively pursued and where appropriate will be prosecuted and banning orders considered.

“If anyone does recognise themselves get in contact now as we will be out looking for them at the forthcoming matches or they will get a knock on the door from us when they least expect it. The message is really clear, we are coming for you."

If you have any information which could help the investigation, please contact the football unit by emailing uk.