Express & Star

Willenhall drunk driver who killed one friend and badly hurt another in horror crash jailed

A motorist who killed one friend and left another with life changing injuries in a horror crash while twice the drink drive limit was today starting a seven year jail sentence.

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Kyle Bullock

Daniel Edge had been to a party with Kyle Bullock, aged 21, and 20-year-old Regan Robinson before tragedy struck late at night on April 9. It is thought none of them was wearing a seat belt, a judge heard.

The 29-year-old was travelling at 'grossly excessive speed' in an uninsured MG ZR along Leamore Lane, Walsall before ploughing into the back of a G4S armoured truck which was slowing down to make a turn, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

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Another motorist doing 30mph when he was overtaken by the car shortly before the impact told police: "He flew passed me like I was stationary. I thought; 'You are a nutter'."

The G4S Mercedes was slowing to between 21 and 14 mph when hit on the two lane single carriageway road but was not indicating its intention to turn right, said Mr Peter Grice, prosecuting.

The MG suffered 'catastrophic' damage in the crash from which Edge emerged without serious injury but front seat passenger Mr Bullock, a father of one, died at the scene despite the efforts of rescuers to save him.

Daniel Edge

Mr Regan was trapped in the back seat and had to be cut free from the wreckage. He suffered multiple injuries including bruised lungs, a torn aorta, fractured leg and knee and dislocated wrist. He underwent 15 operations and spent almost two months in hospital.

Edge, who had previous convictions but a clean driving licence, took a belated breath test from which experts extrapolated the reading at the time of the accident would have been around 79 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

Mr Christopher Loach, defending, maintained: "There is no evidence of persistent bad driving. He had owned the vehicle for a comparatively short time and, because of his financial situation, purchased insurance for short term fixed periods. He thought he was insured at the time but was wrong. He also deeply regrets he had drunk alcohol."

Edge from Coltham Road, Willenhall pleaded guilty to causing both the death of Mr Bullock and serious injury to Mr Robinson through dangerous driving. He further admitted being uninsured and above the alcohol limit.

He was jailed for seven years and banned from driving for three years on release by Judge Simon Ward who told him he had been travelling at 'grossly excessive speed' and added: "The driver of the G4S vehicle was braking and had not indicated but he had not started to move out from where he had to be because of the cars parked on his left."

The family of Mr Bullock, who has a twin sister and lost their mother when aged 17, said after the incident: "Kyle was a loving brother, nephew and a father who we will all miss so much. None of the family can come to terms with this tragic loss. He is now back with his mom who he never got over losing."