Express & Star

West Midlands Police donate to terror attack victims

Kind-hearted police officers have clubbed together to buy gifts for victims of the Manchester terror attack.

A boot full of toys heading off to Manchester children's hospital.

Members of West Midlands Police's firearms unit wanted to show the patients at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital that they were still in people's thoughts, four months after the attack.

The officers collected more than £500, which they then used to buy more than 25 presents, including games and handheld devices.

The gifts were handed over last week when some of the unit when up to Manchester to visit the hospital.

PC Ben Caulwell, who helped organised the collection, said: "No one will ever forget the events of that night in May which left so many young people seriously injured or dead.

"In light of what has happened elsewhere in the months since we wanted to show those who were hurt and everybody else in Manchester that they are still in our thoughts.

"We were very well received when we visited the hospital and the children were grateful for the gifts."

Joel Oxberry, the corporate fundraising manager at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity, added: “We are extremely grateful to the firearms officers from West Midlands Police for thinking of our patients and helping us to make a difference to children in hospital.

"The games will certainly help to provide a distraction from being in hospital."