Express & Star

We need a pay rise – West Midlands Police representative

We need a pay rise – that is message from the boss of the body that represents the West Midlands' rank and file police officers.

Tom Cuddeford

Tom Cuddeford, chairman of West Midlands Police Federation, said it was time for the Government to show 'support and respect' for front line officers and backed calls for a 2.8 per cent pay increase.

Writing in 'Federation' the group's bimonthly magazine, Mr Cuddeford said officers had been 'run ragged' and criticised delays in making a decision on this year's police pay review.

He wrote: "We appreciate that in reality there is no magic money tree, but there are also no magic police officers who can keep making ends meet despite the increased cost of living and their decreased real term wages.

"Police officers seem to be expected to perform all sorts of tricks as they try to provide the same service with fewer resources but maybe it’s time the Government conjured up some solutions too?"

He said the Police Federation of England and Wales was calling for a 2.8 per cent pay rise to the Police Remuneration Review Board.

A decision on the pay review was meant to be taken before the summer but has now been delayed until next month at the earliest.

He added: "This is just not acceptable and will cause months of uncertainty for officers at a time when they are already run ragged at work and, in some cases, struggling financially as a result of the cuts.

"While any pay increase will be backdated from the time of the announcement to September 1, the date of our annual pay rise (if we get one), it could be months before we actually see any increase in our pay since it takes the Force some time to update all its systems.

"Apart from anything else though, this delay does nothing to make officers feel valued and appreciated.

"For the review process now to be delayed by the Government shows disrespect to all police officers; police officers such as our own PCs Ryan Patel and James Neilson who put their lives on the line to protect their communities and have just won a regional Police Bravery Award.

"With or without that magic money tree now is the time for the Government to show its support and respect for policing and police officers.

"We have heard much praise for the brave actions of police officers during the recent atrocities but what we really need now is for the Government to listen to our reasoned, and evidenced, arguments for a better pay deal."