Fake HS2 official targeting farms
Bogus callers posing as HS2 officials have been targeting farms in Staffordshire.

The police have received reports of at least two 'workers' calling at properties in Lichfield, where the route will cut through swathes of countryside, demanding access to land.
They are alleged to have approached farms in ‘old’ cars with stickers on them while wearing high visibility jackets and hard hats.
The incidents were referred on to police by the National Farmers Union (NFU) which stated the culprits could be targeting farms for a number of reasons.
Spokesman Oliver Cartwright told the Express & Star: "It is difficult to speculate what their motives are. This could be used as a way to gain intelligence on the business.
"It could just be opportunists seeing what is around worth stealing.
"It might even be legitimate contractors or workers but the information we are getting is that they aren't."
He added: "Our message to farmers is the usual sort of one about rural crime and the dangers of unsolicited callers.
"It is important people report suspicious activity. The farming community is working with police in making every effort to make sure property is secured as much as possible.
"It is very difficult to secure fields of course but farmers have been urged to carry out simple crime prevention measures such as locking gates and so on."
HS2 Ltd. confirmed they give landowners between 48 and 72 hours' notice before undertaking any survey, and any representative will carry a 'letter of authority' on HS2 headed paper signed off by Oliver Bayne, land and property director.
A spokesman added: "HS2 is cooperating with the relevant authorities in every way that we can to help their work.
"Residents are contacted in advance of HS2 representatives arriving at their property or land, and will carry with them a letter of authority.
"Residents should request to see this letter, and if any doubts remain they should contact the HS2 24-hour Helpdesk on 0808 1434 434."
Details of the incidents have been circulated by Staffordshire Police in order to put other landowners on alert.
PCSO Patrick Wright said: "We have received reports of two bogus HS2 workers operating in the Lichfield area.
"These males have been driving onto farms in old cars (no make or models identified) with stickers on them.
"They wear high viz clothing and hard hats and when challenged, the claimed to be working for HS2 and demand access to the farm."