Police budgets cannot cope in wake of terror attacks, says Staffordshire crime boss
Police budgets ‘cannot cope’ with demands brought on by the fight on terrorism, Staffordshire’s crime commisioner said today.
Matthew Ellis has called for the Government to scrap or at least increase the two per cent cap on the police’s portion of council tax because of the ‘world we are now living in’.
The Conservative PCC also stated funding reserves could be used, ahead of tax increases, declaring ‘we’ve now reached that rainy day’.
Mr Ellis's comments came after a senior detective at the neighbouring West Midlands Police force claimed an increasing number of police officers are contemplating suicide because of the strain being put on forces across the UK.
Mr Ellis said: “I’ve not called on Government for any more funding for policing since being elected in November 2012.
“I’ve coped with budget reductions and taken the view that what was already there could be spent better.
"My office has worked closely with Staffordshire Police to achieve better use of the money which is why here, neighbourhood policing numbers were 434 in 2013 and are 440 now with no change to response officers.
“However, the world we are now living in, especially post the Manchester and London terrorist attacks, means it is not credible that current budgets can maintain the increased levels of police resources required for what is likely to be a long period in Staffordshire, and I’m sure elsewhere.”
Mr Ellis agreed to freeze the police portion of council tax in Staffordshire for his first four years in office until this year where he recommended it be increased.
He said: “Government I’m sure will review the wider counter terrorism resources on a national basis, however, locally elected PCCs are accountable to their electorate meaning we are best placed to know the needs of our areas.
“I have written to the Home Secretary to suggest she considers this proposal around local funding for policing.
"It is for local Chief Constables to determine what resources are needed and I’m sure most Commissioners will have no issue with being accountable for the budget decisions they make.”
On the use of reserves he added: “Where Police and Crime Commissioners still hold large reserves, these could be utilised ahead of making extra increase to council tax and that can be done in a more transparent way.
“There can be little doubt we’ve reached that rainy day. But we also need that added flexibility to increase the precept.”