Express & Star

Winson Green riot: A THIRD of inmates shipped out after major prison trouble

More than a third of the prison population at HMP Birmingham have been shipped out following a destructive disturbance at the jail last month.


In what has been dubbed the worst trouble since the infamous 1990 Strangeways Prison riot, it is believed more than £2 million of damage has been caused.

But in the weeks since the chaos, with more than 500 prisoners moved out of the jail, more information has come to light about what happened and some of the bravery of prison staff involved.

Sources say the trouble first began when prisoners from N wing were being unlocked from their cells, with six jumping straight onto the netting and making threats to take a guard with them.

It is understood the situation then escalated quickly, with prisoners proceeding to destroy the prison interior.

Guards were sprayed with water from fire hoses, which inmates had gained control of, sources have said.

At this stage it is believed one experienced guard was on the safe side of a protective grille and could see the situation was escalating.

But as he turned to close another door, a prisoner reached through the grille and snatched his keys. From there, staff then withdrew completely from N and P wings.

An unprotected officer then took a key, which the prisoners would not have had access to, around the entire block - double locking all the doors and preventing them leaving.

Officers also chained and padlocked all the doors and gates, but despite this effort sources say the prisoners managed to smash through using a trolley from the cafeteria.

Sources say that as staff withdrew, one officer tried to get another chain on a gate, with prisoners running towards them saying they "better get them on quick".

It is understood that for around an hour and a half, a group of 16 officers guarded that gate until national resources arrived, stopping the prisoners getting out into the rest of the prison.

During this time, fires were started, the gate was rammed with the trolley, and staff were pelted with missiles and paint.

It is understood prisoners then gained access to wings L and M, and that most of the damage inside the two blocks, comprised of four wings, was centred around the staff quarters.

Sources say an injured prisoner was later placed in front of the gates which staff were guarding during the incident.

More than 40 prisoners from N and P wings who were on activities that morning and who could not be returned to their cells, were taken to the gym, sources have revealed.

And despite staff having to withdraw from the gym, two prison orderlies kept control inside, preventing any damage to the building or equipment.

Source have also said 168 officers in specialist Tornado teams swept through the jail at around 8.30pm and within 35 minutes had the prison secured.

It is understood that on the day of the disorder inmate capacity was 1,475 but, due to the damage, this has been reduced to 919.

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